Monday, March 10, 2025

Elvis Costello & Steve Nieve - Count Basie Theatre 2/21/2025

 The last time Elvis Costello played the Count Basie Theatre in Red Bank New Jersey was in 2021, in a concert which featured his band The Imposters. He returned this past February with Imposters/Attractions keyboardist Steve Nieve, for a concert which focused more on deep album cuts, rarities and a couple reinterpreted versions of his bigger hits.

 Songs like She, Less Than Zero, When I was Cruel No. 2, & Alibi were all pretty faithful to their original versions, where I Can't Stand Up For Falling Down was done in a gospel arrangement and Alison was done in a slowed down R & B arrangement. When I Was Cruel No. 2 expanded on the Dancing Queen lyric found on the album version with an extended piano break. Steve Nieve even sang a verse of (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding.

  The crowd also sang Happy Birthday to Mr. Nieve who was celebrating his birthday.

 It was a great concert with Mr. Costelllo spotlighting how well his voice has aged, and how remarkable a pianist Mr. Nieve is.

 Here is the setlist.


 Home is Anywhere You Hang Your Head

 When I Was Cruel No. 2 / Dancing Queen(ABBA cover)

 Less Than Zero

 Motel Matches

 Harpies Bizarre

 Shot With His Own Gun


 American Gangster Time

 Shabby Doll

 Brilliant Mistake

 Dio, Come Ti Amo / Almost Blue

 Clubland / Ghostown(The Specials cover/How Insensitive(Antonio Carlos Jobim cover)

 (I Don't Want To Go To) Chelsea

 Happy Birthday To You

 The Long Honeymoon

 I Still Have That Other Girl


 Isabelle In Tears


 Come The Meantimes

 I Can't Stand Up For Falling Down

 (What's So Funny "Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding




Thursday, January 30, 2025

In Memoriam- Marianne Faithfull

                                                            Rest in Peace

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Light of Day 25 - Count Basie Theatre 1/18/2025

  The Light of Day annual concert series celebrated its 25th anniversary with a series of concerts raising awareness and funds in its ongoing fight against Parkinson's Disease.

  The Light if Day concert started as a birthday party for founder Bob Benjamin 25 years ago at the Downtown Cafe in Red Bank. The event has grown to a series of concerts and other events around the world. The main event is titled Bob's Birthday Bash, and for the last few years has been held at the Count Basie Theatre in Red Bank. 

  Many of the artists this year play pretty much every year, or have played in previous concerts for Light of Day. 

  Remember Jones opened the show and served at MC for the evening. The centerpiece of the show was the return of Jesse Malin who gave an incredibly moving 45 minute performance, which featured a guest appearance from long time Light of Day performer Bruce Springsteen. Jesse suffered a spinal stroke less than 2 years ago, and this was only his third performance since then. 

   The format was the same as past shows, a "main stage" band/artist would perform, and then an acoustic act would do a couple songs while the next band set up. 

    This years show ran incredibly smoothly, and may have been the best overall mix of bands I can remember seeing at the Light of Day show. 

    A great night for a more than worthy cause, and one that hopefully will be non existent one day. 

    Here is the setlist: 

 Remember Jones

  Everyday is a Winding Road(Sheryl Crow cover) w/snippet of Ease on Down the Road from The Wiz


   Let Em' Look


   It's All Over Now Baby Blue(Bob Dylan cover)

Mark Johnson

  Amusement Park

  New York City Rain

  My Girlfriend(Doesn't Like The Ramones)

The Weeklings

  I Want You Again

  All The Cash In The World

  Joy(Apollo 100 cover)w/Snippet of Bohemian Rhapsody

  Mona Lisa


 Only You & Only Me

 All My Heart

Joe D'Urso & Stone Caravan

 Let It Go

 It's Been a Long Time(Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes cover) w/Jim Babjek & Tony Pallagrosi

 Noisy Guitars w/Williams Honor & Bobby Mahoney

Adam Ezra

 Hallelujah(Leonard Cohen cover)

Brian Fallon w/Pete Steinkopf & Brian Baker

 St. Marks Sunset(Jesse Malin cover)

 TKO(Jesse Malin cover)

 I Won't Back Down(Tom Petty cover)

Miss Emily

 Hold Back The Rain

 My Freedom w/Danny Clinch

Jesse Malin

 Room 113

 Oh Sheena

 If I Should Fall From Grace With God(Pogues cover)

 Turn Up The Mains

 She Don't Love Me Now

 Death Star

 Broken Radio w/Bruce Springsteen

 State of the Art

 Sway(Rolling Stones cover)


  Meet Me At The End Of The World

  You Know It's Dark When Atheists Start To Pray

 Rudie Can't Fail(The Clash cover)

Williams Honor w/Bobby Mahoney


  Whole Lotta Love(Led Zeppelin cover)


 It's Only Money

 Gotta Get Up

 Last Cigarette

Fantastic Cat

 The Hammer and The Nail

 Later On

 C'Mon Armageddon

Willie Nile

 Forever Wild

 Children of Paradise

 One Guitar w/Bruce Springsteen & James Maddock

Joe D'Urso, Williams Honor, James Maddock, Rob Dye & Bobby Mahoney

 Hold On

Johnny Rzeznik


 Here Is Gone

 Black Balloon





James Maddock

 Keep Your Dream

 When The Sun's Out

 Lavender Blue

Joe Grushecky & The Houserockers w/Jeff Kazee

 This Is Who We Are

Joe Grushecky & The Houserockers w/Bruce Springsteen & Jeff Kazee

 Never Be Enough Time

 Darkness On The Edge Of Town

 Promised Land

 Savin' Up

 Pumping Iron w/Danny Clinch

 Pink Cadillac w/Danny Clinch


 Light of Day/Happy Birthday

 Thunder Road

Remember Jones
The Weeklings
Joe D'Urso w/Jim Babjek & Tony Pallagrossi
Brian Fallon w/Pete Steinkopf & Brian Baker
Jesse Malin
Jesse Malin & Bruce Springsteen
Fantastic Cat
Willie Nile w/Bruce Springsteen & James Maddock
Johnny Rzeznik
Joe Grushecky & The Houserockers w/Bruce Springsteen
Jeff Kazee, Bruce Springsteen & Joe Grushecky


Thursday, January 16, 2025

In Memoriam - David Lynch

                                                      His films were one of a kind.

                                                           Rest in Peace

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

 Fortunate to see these shows this past year. 










Monday, December 30, 2024

In Memoriam - President Jimmy Carter

                                                             Rest in Peace